商品屬性 | |
遊戲作者 | Paul Starr,  |
一刷出版 | 2022年 |
遊戲人數 | 1~5人 |
遊戲時間 | 90分鐘 |
建議年齡 | 12歲以上 |
遊戲分類 | 益智策略 ,  卡片遊戲 ,  奇幻 ,  |
遊戲機制 | Action / Event,  公池挑選,  行動輪盤,  搶奪,  角色能力大不同,  分數當資源,  |
爆腦程度 | 輕量級  2.1667 |
文字用量 | 尚未建立 |
家族成員 | Components: Gems/Crystals,  Components: Tarot Cards,  Theme: Astrology,  |
Zodiac War is a rotating board game based on astrological themes. The game draws on authentic themes such as personalities of the signs, aligning planets and elements, and drawing on powers of tarot cards. The game is for 1-5 players and takes about 60-90 minutes to play.
Astrology and Tarot authentically share an astrological theme and Zodiac War has been developed to merge these ideas into a fun board game.
The unique rotating board is moved by players to align planets and elements with zodiac signs, consistent with the basics of astrology. Aligning the board wins star crystals, and three star crystals light up your constellation to win the game.